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Mansfield and Nottingham

In constructing these places pages I first look for illustrations and links.  In this instance one of my first ‘finds’ was Nottinghamshire History.  Having only scratched the surface of this site, I now feel very very hesitant in saying anything about Nottingham.  Just go to this site - or any of the other excellent sites I have listed.


My own interest in Nottingham and Mansfield is passing.  My husband’s grandfather spent a few years here in his younger years,  He married, had children, and suffered the death of his young wife.  Whereupon he just upped and left - leaving the children behind to the care of their mother’s family.  A tragic and not very uplifting tale which arouses much questioning of James John Dearman’s motives.  For more of this personal story visit the pages dedicated to his life.  (Click here)


So regard this page as a marker simply - a guide to better things found elsewhere.



Nottinghamshire History - A wonderful site just for you - local historians and genealogists.  I think it is a one man site - all praise to him - Andy Nicholson.  His method has been to scan out of copyright local histories, mount them on his site and index them.  Very rewarding.

Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire - A long running historical and archaeological society.

Nottinghamshire Heritage Gateway - a project of the Thoroton Society this site aims to provide links and also to publish material of historical and cultural interest

Picture the Past - a digitisation project of the libraries and museums of Notthinghamshire and Derbyshire

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