Jane Pittard
This is an actual portrait of Jane, from the wonderful set of four that I received from one of my family history contacts. I suspect it was painted by her son-in-law Francis Topham, but it is not signed. It is paired with a portrait of her daughter Jane Elizabeth and so was most likely created in her later years. It has unfortunately faded somewhat, but nevertheless I think it shows a woman who was a little bit sad perhaps. She certainly had reason to be, due to the infidelity of her husband, but from words written by her daughter it is possible that she did not know of this.
Her father was a craftsman - a carver and gilder of furniture I now believe, and her husband was also a craftsman - a silversmith and engraver. I am sure that she was educated - to a point of course - she certainly could write. She probably led a moderately comfortable life but not a wealthy one. That was for her children.
There will not be much to write - women are always difficult, but I shall give it my best shot - and we do have a few words from her daughter to help.

Jane Pittard
b June 1775
c 2 July 1775 St. Botolph's, Aldersgate
m Joseph Beckwith 30 June 1800, St. Mary's, Islington
d 1 December 1840, Clerkenwell
bu 9 December 1840, St. James' Clerkenwell
Joseph 1801-1827
Henry Samuel 1809-1895
Mary Ann 1811-1873
George 1816-?
Robert William 1819-1819
Parish records for baptism, marriage and burial
Parish records for children’s baptisms and burials
Hebrew meaning ‘Jehovah has favoured’. The feminine form of John which apparently comes to us via the old French form - Jehane. An all-time favourite name. This Jane, however, was probably named after her mother, JaneLovell.
Jan, Jana, Janet, Janis
you wouldn’t abbreviate Jane would you? Janey?
Jane Pittard
Jane Lovell