William Henry Warner ca 1814-1852
Catharine Eliza Warner 1844-1845
meaning and origins
.9999 I quote from the Internet surname database: “This most interesting surname has two possible derivations. Firstly, it may be of Old German origin, derived from an Old Germanic personal name composed of the elements "war(in)", guard and "heri, hari", army; this was adopted by the Normans, who introduced it into England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. Secondly, the surname may be a contracted form of "Warrener", a topographical name for someone who lived by a gamepark; or an occupational name for someone employed in one. Warrener is derived from the Anglo-Norman-French "warrene", warren, a piece of land for breeding game, especially small animals and birds.” I think I would go for the second one.
Warriner, Warren, Warne, Werner, Varney, Verner
distribution in England and Wales
This is very definitely a name found in England rather than any of the other countries of the United Kingdom and it is also clearly a South-Eastern England name, with a little pocket in West Yorkshire and another on the Welsh border.

Another somewhat truncated line - hence the picture, though let’s hope the little bits of green are indicative of hope that we will progress some time. And even though the tree is dead and long gone, what remains is being preserved.
These are London people - well what we know of them so far - a father and the inevitable daughter who begins the line. The father was a painter/glazier and died young. In spite of him having a middle name, which ought to make the searching a little easier, I have yet to find a baptism or birth - the name is just too common. His daughter is my great-grandmother, and my father’s grandmother - whom he must have known but never spoke of.
