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Thomas or William Dearman



From the Aramaic meaning twin - rather appropriate when I am tossing up as to which is the right ancestor!  After Thomas the Apostle’s doubt it was not a popular name until Thomas s Beckett redeemed it - and since then it has been a very popular name - it still is.


Tomas, Tomlin


Tom, Tommy, Tam, Macey




One of the most popular names in the English-speaking world through all time.  In England it probably all began with William the Conqueror.   It’s origin is Teutonic and means will, resolve and helmet.


Guillaume, Gwilym, Wilhelm


Bill, Billy, Will, Willy, Wills is a current version.

I have yet to find some more definitive evidence before deciding which of these two men was William Dearman’s father.  Indeed it may well be that his father was somebody else entirely.


I have discounted the other possibles who lived rather further north in Hertfordshire, simply because of geography, but it is not impossible that William’s father could have been one of those candidates, for people did travel - indeed I think that Thomas’s wife Esther originates from there.  These two however, married and had children in the Essendon area - William in Hertford and Thomas in Little Berkhamsted.  Their children all have typical Dearman names too.  If only one of them had named a child Mahalah,  - then I would have been sure!


I also have no idea what they did.  I have chosen this Italian portrait of poor peasants (note they have no shoes) because I would be amazed if these early Dearmans were wealthy.  They might have had a trade though.


All that I know of them is shown in the right-hand column.  At the moment I am leaning towards Thomas as the ancestor, simply because Little Berkhamsted is right next door to Essendon and Henry, his last child, was baptised there.  The names of the children are similar and so not a deciding factor.  And neither William nor any of his descendants have used either Ruth or Esther as a name for their daughters.  So this is pure supposition.  I’m sure whoever he was would have been something like the men in Cerutti’s painting though.  It would have been a universal look for most of the agricultural population of Europe at that time.

Thomas Dearman

married Esther Farroway 29 July 1770, Hatfield



Thomas c 1771

William c 1772

Sarah c 1774

John c 1777

John c 1778

Joseph c 1781

Henry c 1787




parish records for children’s baptisms

parish record for marriage



William Dearman

married Ruth Draper 7 February 1756, Hertford



William c1761

Joseph c 1762

Elizabeth c 1764

Martha c 1769



parish records for children’s baptisms

parish record for marriage



William Dearman

Essendon and Little Berkhamsted

Labourers - Agricultural and Urban

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