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Richard Smith Jr. Before marriage
Bethnal Green or Hackney 1784-1810
I confess I am stuck and cannot get started. This is because I am uncertain of Richard's parentage. Well I do know that his father was Richard, but who was his mother? Incredibly there are at least three maybe more, relatively wealthy Richard Smiths all living and working in roughly the same area of London at the time of our Richard's birth. Disentangling them from each other is proving difficult. I think one, was in the silk and lace trade and became a wealthy man and also lived in Stoke Newington (like our Richard later in life). Another is a lawyer of some kind I think.

This page and this story are very much a work in progress. I need to find out a little more about his parents before continuing.
The children

The children
A visit to a Hampshire Hop Garden - some beautiful old slides of Hampshire hop picking gypsies
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